ODD-BALLING it again :)

Cee’s Odd Ball Photo Challenge – Week #41

Where does one put photos like these?

Maybe I should re-think my categories?

Now that I’m taking them out of the miscellaneous crap folder, maybe I should give them their own homes?

Could I create folders like…

“Places to park your arse”  or maybe “Thrones” ?

(not that Pete was a king but heeeeello)

Park your butt here img_7439

And could I also use…

“Places NOT to park your arse” ?

(ouch…get visitors much?)

No Loitering

And who couldn’t fill a folder with…

“Faces only Mummies can love”?

zombie in camden

Oh but then, wouldn’t I have to include one for…

“Strange faces in stranger places”

The Hound IMG_7001 IMG_6281 Preachin to the Choir

There are many more of course.  There always are.  But no matter how I look at them…see them…I just can’t seem to let go of some of the odd bits that don’t seem to have a home of their own.


Which is why I love this challenge!

SOMEONE has to be the Grownup!

This is where they’ll be this time tomorrow…


Would YOU say no?

No, didn’t think so.

Headed to one of my favorite places so Mom can spend time with the ‘girls’…friends of a certain age who haven’t ‘laughed like they used to’ for more than 20 years…think they’ll have fun?


Yeah…me too.

Hopefully I’ll come back with stories to tell and photos to share…along with a sunburn.

Outer Banks…the Mother Duck’rs are coming…you ready?