She Waits

She waits, as she always does, on the south side of the room
The same chair, straight, hard

The only softness is the faded paisley upon the seat
But that comfort is not for her
The oak warms in the sun

But remains cold and hard against her black skin
As she hangs on its back, waiting
For her special someone
To notice

The beams streaming through the door beside her
Unseen but felt
Tickling her, bathing her, tempting her

With promise

The promise of adventure
Oh how she wishes she had the wings of a bird

Like the one she paints
In the dark

From memory
She’d fly through that door
Out there

The sun, the clouds
Fire and rain
She misses them


She almost remembers
Diluted, like watercolor

She draws the lily as she remembers it

She can see it

A light spot in the dark
Of her memory’s eye

The myrtle that should be blooming by now
Longing to set her gaze on the ordinary
That she may set her sights to the extraordinary

This Is what she was born to do
Nothing else

But she has no control
Not over when, not over where
Hers is not to ask why
Hers is but to seek the truth when it is asked of her
Truth in beauty and the beauty in truth

This…is what she remembers…

This…is what she’s missing…

So she waits
As long as she is here
In the same room, on the same chair

She is blind
So she begs
“Uncover my face. Raise me up so that I may whisper in your ear
Be my wings so I can soar over field and stream
Capture the beauty of now
To keep with me for then
Our adventure is out there”

“Let me teach you to see the beautiful in the ugly” she pleads

“Let me show you the extraordinary ordinary” she whispers

She feels
Familiar hands, comforting hands
She’s flying, lifted and carried outside

It begins…today is the day
Eye open wide, taking it in

Capturing life as it happens
Not perfect…
Not posed…
Just life…

Nothing is too small

Tomorrow, she’ll wait again
But today…she flies
Today she is…


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Hi everyone! Welcome to 50 Shades of Gray Hair. 50 Shades is my blog of life over the hill, where each day is full of delicious opportunities to earn another gray hair. I stopped declaring war on the gray when I began this blog years ago. Instead, I embrace and celebrate them along with whatever life decides to throw my way, with (sarcasm forward) humor and an optimistic eye to the future. I think. I hope? I don't know. At any's real, it's honest, it's full of 4 letter words, and it's me...on a platter. I sincerely welcome you all to my porch....♥♥Rhonda

8 thoughts on “She Waits”

  1. Arguably the most transportive and evocative post of yours I have ever read (and I’ve read every one of your marvelous posts). I held my breath with her, remembered along side her and awoke with her. Beautiful WW…like you. xox


    1. Well hell Yvonne, that is (to my best recollection) the very first time I’ve been called fascinating! Big smiles here, my friend. Thank you xo


      1. Why haven’t you been called fascinating before now? Really Rhonda, I pray you just don’t remember that you’re so fascinating! But don’t worry, I won’t let it be the last time you are called fascinating! xo


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