Sometimes you just need to change your underwear

Have you ever had one of ‘those‘ days?

A day where nothing seems to go right?

One where you spend way too much time fighting with hair that refuses to stay the course, ride the center line of your head-road because it has another destination in mind?

Somewhere…out there ——–>^<<^>>^<>>>

Where no hair has gone before?

(ooooh weeeee bum bum bum bum buuuuuum)

Yeah, out there

mommy hair
W A I T 

The bags under your eyes are big enough to hold your winter wardrobe and dark enough to draw questions like “Hey, when’d’ya have a nose job?”

black eyes

One of those “I have nothing to wear” days because everything you put on feels both to small and too big at the same time?

Even your SHOES?

Does anyone else see Sigourney Weaver hiding in a space closet here?
I could have SWORN these fit yesterday!
I could have SWORN these fit yesterday!

So gawdawful a day that whatever you put in your mouth tastes like yesterday’s leftovers of last week’s Sunday supper?
(so bad that the furball the cat gagged up would be more appetizing?)

Do NOT ask!
Do NOT ask!

The blind man driving the thought truck through the dirt roads in your head is making you dizzy from all the twists and turns and stops and starts while he tries to figure out where the hell he’s going?

Pull over you idiot I'm gonna be sick!
Pull over you idiot
I’m gonna be sick!

Okay, you get the idea.

I had one of those days yesterday.
What didn’t make me cry, made me mad
What didn’t make me mad, made me cry

I stood looking out the back door
Leaking like a sieve, both from the eyes and from the mouth (#$%^$$%^$)
But, as luck would have it, we were ready to leave
We had made arrangements to meet Supe and others at the only watering hole in town

To raise a glass to the glory of the day, as every day Supe’s willing and able to be out is a good day
And here I was, bitchin’ and moanin’ about it

So…I turned my thoughts inward

And what do you suppose came to mind?

I HATE my underwear
I HATE my underwear

Then I wondered what I could possibly do to help turn this day around
I stood there searching and feeling every inch of myself

Physically and mentally

Wonder what men feel like in THEIR underwear? (oooooh...eenie meenie minie mo' mo' mo') :)
Wonder what men feel like in THEIR underwear?
(oooooh…eenie meenie minie mo’ mo’ mo’)

(Ooops…wrong mental picture. This was not one for you)

Heeeere Kitty Kitty
Heeeere Kitty Kitty

(Damn, not that one either…)

I left the doorway, went upstairs, stripped from the waist down, and got redressed

Having changed but one thing

…and you’ve likely guessed what that one thing is by now

Ahhhh, that's better!
Ahhhh, that’s better!

But, by God it helped.

It helped a LOT.

So…I’ve come to this conclusion:

When you have one of ‘those‘ days?

Check your underwear…it all starts with the foundation!

Baaaaaaad Foundation

(don’t laugh…we all know the foundation is key!)


I’ll leave you with one last thought…

The power of positive thinking is a great tool – an awesome tool   and one I try to take out of my tool box every day

But on those days when the thoughts can’t be tooled with tools alone?

Go down underwear nothong….(hehe – nevermind!)

You get the idea 😉

Go in peace and good fitting underwear

(*thanking the internet for the images this time, for once, they are not my own.  phew)

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Hi everyone! Welcome to 50 Shades of Gray Hair. 50 Shades is my blog of life over the hill, where each day is full of delicious opportunities to earn another gray hair. I stopped declaring war on the gray when I began this blog years ago. Instead, I embrace and celebrate them along with whatever life decides to throw my way, with (sarcasm forward) humor and an optimistic eye to the future. I think. I hope? I don't know. At any's real, it's honest, it's full of 4 letter words, and it's me...on a platter. I sincerely welcome you all to my porch....♥♥Rhonda

31 thoughts on “Sometimes you just need to change your underwear”

  1. Oh my God. I don’t know what else to say. There is a lot of truth here, SB, but I have never put my mind to it. Of course, my mind pretty much fled after the Sigourney Weaver-space closet reference. Please contact my wife ASAP and talk with her about underwear.


    1. hahaha…you want ME to talk to HER? you sure? Because i’ll tell ya, the truth here is as stated, but what was NOT shared, is how we women can use underwear as a weapon! Truth! Reward and Punishment NB…still want me to talk to her?


    1. ha! never gave it a thought. I think that’s more a man’s game…though for the life of me I can NOT see where that would be comfortable…especially if said man is in, shall we say…a hurry? yikes. 🙂


  2. Thanks for the laugh and good advice… next time things aren’t going right, I’ll try on my wifes underwear… no just kidding I’ll go and change mine… lol


  3. Rhonda you should be on stage! You are absolutely brilliantly hilarious! I feel like I’m a fan of a great star! Okay, compliments aside, I haven’t though about underwear for some time – I just wear it (well usually), but your post has reminded me to go and buy some more. Great reminder hahahaha! Julie xxx


    1. hahaha….can’t say I hear that I remind someone of underwear everyday!! Bet you gravitate to the yellow ones. rofl xoxo thanks for the morning chuckle jules


  4. Sooo funny..and fitting for a funny story of the day..but not shared here. Curious aren’t ya!?

    The blind man driving the thought truck through the dirt roads in your head
    is brilliant!!

    Liked by 1 person

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