The Eye of the Human Storm

Today’s forecast
Pain with a chance of happiness
It hurts
Our first breath
Born in and out of
Our last breath
Born in and out of the fear of
Beginning to end
The human struggle to keep moving
Beyond the current pain so we may
Endure the next
To begin again
The circle, the cycle
Of life, of pain
To reach our destination
What is the point?
When one ends where one begins?
What is the point?
The middle
Is the point
To feel the heart beat
Of a lover
To hear the laughter
Of a child
To know the touch of another
The touch that completes
Our circle
Ones who will rejoice with us
And for us
And those who will mourn us
But more
That we were here
That we mattered
That we made the difference
That we closed a part of their own circle
And that they too
Closed a part of ours
To gather
At the end of the day
To hear the sounds of silence
The human sounds
We make without knowing
The sounds of love
And life
The middle
Those sounds our ears miss,
But that our hearts hear
These are the sounds of silence
So loud we are compelled to
Struggle to keep moving
From one pain to another
For in the end
It is not the pain
We Remember
It is
Our circles have no true beginning
They meld
With our ending
We only have what is in
The middle
Today’s forecast
Pain with a chance of happiness
Take an umbrella if you must
Wear your raincoat
Wear galoshes if you have to
Prepare more for getting swept
Into the middle
‘Cause that’s where life happens
In the middle
Never be afraid to get wet
Put the fear aside
Go beyond the tropical storm of prologue
Fear not the hurricane of the epilogue
Walk into the wind
Get pummeled by the rain
Get to the eye
The middle
Where the calm allows us to hear
The human sounds of silence

The sounds of Love

For My Father

My First Love ~ My Only Hero

R.I.P. Superman

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Hi everyone! Welcome to 50 Shades of Gray Hair. 50 Shades is my blog of life over the hill, where each day is full of delicious opportunities to earn another gray hair. I stopped declaring war on the gray when I began this blog years ago. Instead, I embrace and celebrate them along with whatever life decides to throw my way, with (sarcasm forward) humor and an optimistic eye to the future. I think. I hope? I don't know. At any's real, it's honest, it's full of 4 letter words, and it's me...on a platter. I sincerely welcome you all to my porch....♥♥Rhonda

15 thoughts on “The Eye of the Human Storm”

  1. Rhonda, is your dad not doing well? This post scared me. Let me know something – we’re over on the Eastern Shore at Rick’s cottage. Sid and I plan to go to VT the week of the 20th of July. Jo

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    1. Not well, no Jo. Hugh and I are going up end of next week…I’m scared, but need to keep remembering that death is a part of life and his life has made all the difference in mine. I’d love to see you up there, but we’ll have to leave to come back no later than the 23rd…let’s see if we can work it out okay? love to you both xo


  2. Had to dry my eyes in order to write this…your dad, my dad. The keeper of all my secrets. The man who made the middle to much more fantastic. Your dad Supe. My dad – missed every single day for almost eleven years. He knows how much you love him WW…and that’s a gift in and of itself…xoxo


    1. I know he’ll always be with me, as your dad is with you. There is so much of me that is from him, it could be no other way. My love of and joy in, the simple things, is the greatest gift he gave me. He told me yesterday, that our dirt road explorations are his fondest memories, and now I know, he’ll always be in the seat right beside me…xoxo


    1. Thank you so much professor. Our favorite thing to do was jump in the truck and explore the back roads; he in the driver’s seat and me the navigator. To this day, it is still my favorite past time…with one small change…I’m driving and he’s in the seat beside me. And I know he always will be. 🙂


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