

she is the light, she is the warmth
when she wakes the world wakes with her

“yours is the light by which my spirit’s born…”

yet he must go for her to shine

he too is light, but he is cold
when he wakes, the world calms

“…yours is the darkness of my soul’s return”

yet she must go for him to thrive

but before this day can turn to night
she fills the white western sky with fire
as she battles the end of another day without him

from her western prison, she throws her sol-mate kisses on long-fingered shadows
and inflames him with the vision of her fiery tresses caught on the wind
teasing, assaulting, as they reach toward the Bastille in the east where he is captive


while the eastern sky shows no sign of struggle
still blue, he climbs unnoticed, in silence
desperate for a glimpse of her before the god’s
realize they are both awake


he tries desperately to grasp her love
now caught in the branches of the tress that separate them
he, struggling to cast off his gossamer shroud
so she may see the love he yearns to shine on her
so she may know his calming and cooling touch
as he longs to know her passion and feel her fire


she is gone now
he’d always known he would never feel her touch, nor she his
for as long as she was awake, he could not be
and she’d always known his power, his radiance, his true essence
could only thrive where she could not
and it would always be so…


or would it?

as it is had always been
this night too, it was his light that lived
yet he felt warm
he radiated warmth
he was not cold
he was not alone


for he knew her touch
and she knew his
through the power of love
the wonders of time and space
she lived when he lived
and they knew…each other

a rare evening
a lover’s evening
a curse lifted for but a moment
but a moment worth a lifetime

“…you are my sun, my moon, and my stars”

may it always be



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Hi everyone! Welcome to 50 Shades of Gray Hair. 50 Shades is my blog of life over the hill, where each day is full of delicious opportunities to earn another gray hair. I stopped declaring war on the gray when I began this blog years ago. Instead, I embrace and celebrate them along with whatever life decides to throw my way, with (sarcasm forward) humor and an optimistic eye to the future. I think. I hope? I don't know. At any rate...it's real, it's honest, it's full of 4 letter words, and it's me...on a platter. I sincerely welcome you all to my porch....♥♥Rhonda

13 thoughts on “Possibilities”

    1. Thank you mim…I imagine you to be a kindred soul in seeing and feeling the wonders of our amazing planet…as well as a touch of a romantic. 😉 (a touch she says…ha)


  1. I sense shades of “Ladyhawke” here. Again, you seem to have outdone yourself. Beautifully written and pictured. Your hidden talents are shinning through, and I, as part of your fan club, can hardly wait for what lies ahead.


    1. Ahhhh, yes Ladyhawk indeed. Thanks for reminding me of a much loved movie. Thanks also for the your thoughtful response…I never quite know how you take my non topic specific posts. Now I do…and I appreciate your words very much. xx


  2. SB, whoa… that’s a heart-stopper, a story within a poem. Feels like something I saw as a kid, that brought me wonder, and made me wonder.

    Love the photos too, but they are not worthy of the poem.


    1. I love that…brought me wonder and made me wonder. That’s it.

      As to the photos…well I tend to draw the narrative from the visual, so I had to give them their place within the story, but thank you for telling it straight…very much appreciated.


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