Careful what you wish for…

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Careful.”

I hope those who read my blog, take the time to click the link above and view some of the entries for these weekly challenges.  They are well worth it and the fun is seeing someone else’s take on the theme of the week. And the bonus is – some are astonishingly good!  Just a thought  🙂

Anyway, I try to go with the first thought that comes into my head when I get see what the theme is, and this week is no exception.

When I saw the word “careful”, I felt the words “what you wish for”.

So..I gathered some photos of things that I often times wish for but more often than not, wish I hadn’t.

Let’s see if you agree…

How about when:

You wish for the un-decorated end of fall to become the clean and pure snow white of winter…does this wish become UN-wished by January?

Be careful what you wish for.

November Unadorned
November Un-Adorned
December Purity
December Purity
January Captured
January Captured

Or when his ultimate wish for that first ride on the big boy tractor, then becomes…nah, been there done that, no thanks?

Be careful what you wish for.

Daddy and Me
Daddy and Me, Yay!
Are you sure Daddy?
I think I changed my mind Dad!
I think I don't want to Daddy
That’s okay, I’m done now Dad
Let. Me. Off. Now. Daddy!
Let. Me. Off. Now. Daddy!

Have you ever wished for a little rain and been granted that wish one hundred fold? To the point where you start singing “Rain Rain Go Away?” (you hummin” it?  lol)

Be careful what you wish for.

Cascading rain gets your feet wet!
Cascading rain gets your feet wet!
We did wish for it...
We did wish for it…
We did need it...
We did need it…
But ENOUGH already! My hometown of Northfield, VT in 2011, courtesy of Irene's rain :(
But ENOUGH already!
My hometown of Northfield, VT in 2011, courtesy of Irene’s rain 😦

So, there you have it
We make wishes every single day
It’s just sometimes
Be Careful What You Wish For!