I’ve been framed!

This week, Ailsa of Where’s My Backpack fame, gave the theme FRAME for her Travel Theme Photo Challenge.

I like this theme because even interesting or good photos can be elevated to something a bit more special in how they are framed.

Let’s see if I have proven this point somewhat…

Reflections – I could have stuck to just taking photos of the stained glass windows and stone work at Canterbury Cathedral, like most people do.  But I thought seeing them in the reflecting font was so much more interesting.
This house is interesting enough on its own to be sure, but I loved seeing it reflected in the puddle in the road. It added just enough to make it ‘more’.
There’s more to windows than just seeing out of them too…when used as mirrors to frame something interesting…it can be quite wonderful.
I can’t say I would always advise looking backwards as a way to move on in life, but in photography…why not?
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Man-made structures can be a fun subject matter when you find them framed this way. Makes one wonder if the architects were in cahoots with Mother Nature doesn’t it?
And of course, in grand old cities, there always seem to be the old framed by the new, which of coure, makes for another type of frame job!
There is nothing like catching beautiful creatures of land and air, framed in their natural environments is there?
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I especially love when I can catch the moon, in daytime or night, framed softly by something earthbound. Definitely one of my favorite framing jobs!
To say nature is a wonder is an understatement. It’s so much more than that. Ever changing, season in a and season out, always there for any who wish to see. Whether naked or adorned by something man-made; it’s nature’s frame that is the star.
frozen lake
Cheers 🙂

In The Pink

A Photo a Week Challenge:  Pretty in Pink

I’ve never been a girly-girl so pink has very little space in my closet.  It’s not because I don’t like it.  I do.  But I never think of myself in pink.  My husband says I don’t look good in pink.  I disagree because I happen to think everyone looks good in pink.  It’s one of those colors that brings out life’s natural blush and who doesn’t look good in blush?

I’ve always made a point of putting my boys in pink.  Yup, I was one of those mothers.  I wasn’t keen on teaching them that blue is for boys and pink for girls.  That there are differences in the sexes sure, but color choice isn’t one of them.  And damned if they don’t look great in pink!

Still, pictures of people in pink I do not have.  Nary a one.  A shame it is too.  But one thing I do have is nature in pink.  Lots of it.  Light, medium, dark – you name it, nature’s got it.  So, while I may not be able to show you how gorgeous a couple’a handsome dudes are in pink, and because nature lovers will leave pink all over the page…how about I leave you with a little man-made Pinkishness?

Wow…I’d say London’s Museum of Natural History looks darn good in pink!


Love Me Tender

A Photo a Week Challenge – Tender Moments

Tender moments come in all kinds of situations, but the first time I captured my first born grandson in his mother’s arms, is a moment I’ll never forget.


No less tender was when our newly rescued Miss Sadie, placed her head on my shoulder.  In that one moment, she let me know she trusted me and everything was going to be okay.  I loved her for that!
