Raise a glass with me?

Today is my one year anniversary with 50 Shades of Gray Hair.
And they said it wouldn’t last…HA!

Well, actually, I do have a history…
Remember Help Me Rhonda?

So, it’s actually my second anniversary, but I’m trying to forget deleting myself.

But, all I can say now is “WOW”
A lot has changed (and thank God for hormone therapy!)

So, to celebrate my second chance, and to show my appreciation for all the love and support you have so generously and willingly shown me here these last two years, I’d like to spread some words of wisdom.

I know…I’m better at spreading ‘da poo’ and I will again, but for today…a slight change in tone and texture (eew)

The words may not be mine, but all the same…the photos and the sentiments are, and the lessons are very real.


holding hands


morning moon


And finally…


Cheers and thank you all for the love