Haiku to the Rescue

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Rescue you we ask?

Five days into the answer

Rephrase the question

It’s you Sadie, who has done the rescuing!

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Hi everyone! Welcome to 50 Shades of Gray Hair. 50 Shades is my blog of life over the hill, where each day is full of delicious opportunities to earn another gray hair. I stopped declaring war on the gray when I began this blog years ago. Instead, I embrace and celebrate them along with whatever life decides to throw my way, with (sarcasm forward) humor and an optimistic eye to the future. I think. I hope? I don't know. At any rate...it's real, it's honest, it's full of 4 letter words, and it's me...on a platter. I sincerely welcome you all to my porch....♥♥Rhonda

16 thoughts on “Haiku to the Rescue”

      1. That’s like Bogey – I wanted another dog so much, and didn’t figure that I’d end up being second fiddle. No accounting for taste, I guess (just kidding – their love for each other is really sweet. And Andy finally is an alpha!)


        1. haha…that’s what Hugh says. All the years Ripken was with us, Hugh was always second fiddle, or as I like to say, the ‘treat’ guy. this time around, he’s proving to be her ‘big fella’ and he’s tickled about it. she makes him laugh because she’s so loving. good for Andy 😉

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    1. Aw, thanks AC. My new Mom shows me ALL your friends pictures…wow, a few study fellas you’ve traveled with I see. Yum. Oh, sorry, lost my train of thought! Oh yeah, well you see…this sorry looking couple came into my crib about 5 days ago, and there I was, just minding my own biznez ya know? And next thing you know, my lady in the blue shirt comes and asks if I want to meet this poor couple cuz they had a furry kid that died, and they were hurtin’ bad. So, seeing as it was my play time, I decided why the heck not. It’s always good to have someone new to play with. So…we went into the ‘living room’ and I told them my sad tail 😉 about being abandoned on the side of the road a while ago, and they told me all about their kid that was the light of their life (I mean, really? Do you bipeds really think that way?) I was getting a bit choked up and figured maybe it would be a good thing for me to just wrangle those two and take them home with me so as we could, ya know, spend some time together, get to know each other a bit more, and maybe, if I got the feeling they could feel about ME that way…I just might give them a shot. And you know what AC? I’m a believer! I’ve never been fondled this much and I’m diggin it! In fact, I decided I could give as good as I get…so I snuggle up, and lick their toes, and their necks, and wag my tail when they laugh…I’m thinking I made a pretty good decision. And hey, as long as this keeps up, and the food stays this delish (the one that smells good always puts something special in with my kibble…and man, it’s yummo) I think I’ll stick around for the long haul. They were lucky they came in when they did…they needed me and I was in the mood to be needed. 🙂 Can’t wait to see more of your friends…I like to stick out my tongue and pretend I’m feeling the wind in my face as you travel. Okay, time to go give a cuddle to my smelly biped…it’s close to dinner. YaHoo!


  1. I love how just a few words and that one image at the end SAY SO MUCH! Rhon, that is awesome, so happy you and Sadie (love that name, btw!) have found each other – the Universe is a smart cookie, knowing who goes with whom. oxoxo

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