Spring Breaks? Yes. Yes it does.

Winter Intermission has concluded.


Time for me to get back to work.


Spring is in the air.




Here is the northeast, we have a saying…

It goes like this:




Prove it!

Spring is a word on a calendar here in the northeast.

Spring is a cock comb tease.

Spring is the day we jump from snow ass deep to mud up to our elbows.

Spring may have sprung and sprouted where you are, but it’s laughing all the way to the snow-bank here!

Click on the following…they’ll make you glad you live somewhere else!

spring tomorrow
Spring hits tomorrow…yeah, can ya dig it?
spring comes in
Ah yut…it sprung alright
spring first week
sure glad it’s spring
Am so glad winter is over
oh yeah
um hm
that’s right

As for me? Well, I’ll just wish you all a beautiful spring while I try to get the handle of this snow shovel up father winter’s a….oops!



(photos courtesy of WCAX TV)

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Hi everyone! Welcome to 50 Shades of Gray Hair. 50 Shades is my blog of life over the hill, where each day is full of delicious opportunities to earn another gray hair. I stopped declaring war on the gray when I began this blog years ago. Instead, I embrace and celebrate them along with whatever life decides to throw my way, with (sarcasm forward) humor and an optimistic eye to the future. I think. I hope? I don't know. At any rate...it's real, it's honest, it's full of 4 letter words, and it's me...on a platter. I sincerely welcome you all to my porch....♥♥Rhonda

15 thoughts on “Spring Breaks? Yes. Yes it does.”

    1. Leave it to my nature-loving poet extraordinaire friend to find the silver lining…yes, sfam, we do indeed get the colors of the fall, and i shall endeavor to remind myself of that too…but i can’t say i still won’t use the handle of this snow shovel!


  1. Did I see some 40’s in that forecast?!?! Above freezing!!?? Okay….that’s all the “happy” I got for ya girl. 40 here right now before our cold front hits with some snow. But ours is short lived at least! Maybe you should move to Florida!!!!! 😉 ♥


    1. Oh bite that Okie tongue of yours. Florida? Been there, done that…longest year of my life! Never again. But if you see 40, wait a second, it’ll change…xo


  2. I love the west coast. We didn’t have any snow at all this winter, which is certainly not the kind of thing you’d expect a Canadian to say. Rhonda and Susan I’m sending you warm thoughts and hopes for mud season to come soon.


    1. Well David, I get the sincere and distinct impression you’ve not lived through a northeastern mud season? Oye…lucky you. It’s our fifth season and it’s one nasty couple of weeks. But…your warm thoughts are MUCH appreciated, and agreed, I wouldn’t have believed a Canadian would say there had been no snow! Astonished I am…xo


    1. Jules, you are already into Autumn? Want some snow? I’ll send ya some…only this time, I’ll mark the package URGENT so it doesn’t sit in that little Post Office of yours and melt! 🙂


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