About 50 Shades

I’m that blogger formerly known as Help Me Rhonda.  I am was a menopausal mess, hence the “formerly known as”.

I deleted myself (if only I’d forgotten THAT password!) one stormy day because, hey, don’t let them kid ya…emotional? Try eruptional!

I am in my 2nd half century, plus a decade (eek) and am still discovering the world where there IS more to life than, well…gray hair.

You’ve been there?

You are there?

Then you understand.

So, welcome to 50 Shades of Gray Hair; the blog of life over the hill, where each day is full

of delicious opportunities to earn another gray hair. I stopped declaring war on the gray when I began

this blog years ago. Now, I embrace and celebrate them along with whatever life decides to throw

my way, with (sarcasm forward) humor and an optimistic eye to the future. I think. I hope? I don’t

know. At any rate…it’s real, it’s honest, it’s full of 4 letter words, and it’s me…on a platter.  I don’t know

where I’m going, but I’m thinking I’m going to enjoy some gray; 50 shades of it.  And why not…I

earned ’em. Besides, what is there to lose besides my mind (and what’s left of my pubic hair)?

Not a damned thing!

Whether you color them up, tone them down, comb them over, or tuck them under…we all have roots.

And mine are coming out!

I’m Rhonda and it’s nice to meet you, again, for the first time.

Oh, and before I forget (who me?) I find it is best to start at the beginning, right over there in the “Shade Finder”. Just scroll on down to 2013…yeah, right there. It’s so much more fun that way!  Mostly…Maybe…Who Knows…but it’s a start  😉

As the shade begins…


No more hiding behind the curtain...nice to meet you all!  And, welcome to 50 Shades...we all have 'em

No more hiding behind the curtain…nice to meet you all! And, welcome to 50 Shades…we all have ’em

51 thoughts on “About 50 Shades”

  1. Ah WW, it’s good to have you back – and I love the new name, love the smile that’s on that face and tickled beyond measure that your nickname is now one that you’re wearing out loud!!! (Of course it doesn’t hurt to know that SK is an appellation I wear proudly too)..Your squad hasn’t left – we’re all still here – just give everyone a minute to pick up their pom-poms!! xoxox


    1. That’s all I needed to hear SK…and if anyone’s forgotten where they left theirs…I’ll get ’em new ones! In 50 Shades of Gray! Love you woman…xoxo


    1. For some reason, this comment ended up in my spam folder. Hmmmm, you are not spam are you Duncan? Not that I don’t like spam, I do…great lightly fried with mustard. And I’m shocked I tell you…never would have pegged you for a septuagenarian! How cool…so there’s hope for me yet. Thanks for the incentive to keep on trucking. 🙂


  2. Hi Rhonda, I have accidentally come by your blog and as a fellow beyond fifty and well past the loosing stage of life i found your approach refreshing to say the least.
    Merry Christmas Rhonda, today is Christmas in Australia where everyday is a good day.


    1. I’m so sorry it’s taken so long to respond…things being what they are, I’ve not been online in a while. I’m always glad to hear of the happy accidents that bring people up on my porch (and I have a soft spot for Aussies). A belated Merry Christmas and wishing you and yours a healthy, happy New Year. Look forward to getting to know you…R


                1. I have declared we are only, and I mean ONLY, as old as we feel. Gray hair (no matter where it is) doesn’t mean crapola. We are “as old as I feel today” years of age!


    1. Welcome to my porch Kelly…it’s a pleasure to meet you and since you’re a fan of the great and unique Lewin, I’ll set your chair next to his throne (ok, it’s really a cooler filled with that Canadian swill he calls beer). I find Trent’s followers are some of the most interesting folk I’ve had the pleasure of reading and following and it tickles me when any of them (well…just you and Audra so far, but I’m only 3 years in so there’s time…lol). I look forward to getting to know you and just so you know, Trent and I think we’ve got a pretty good group to spearhead a campaign for world peace. You in?

      Liked by 1 person

              1. And you are a Trent groupie I can tell! He knows he’s a star, but he’s too humble to admit it…at least that’s what I think. But it comes out in his writing – who else could call themselves a “Powerblogger” for Christ’s sake? lol

                Liked by 1 person

  3. Ha ha! Funny, Ms. Wet T Shirt. Let mine locks “go” at the tender age of 42. Only one guy had the temerity to ask when I was going to start coloring. Oh, there was that brief phase of blonde, then reddish-brown, then a couple other colors, all of which looked dumb, then the witchy phase wiry of gray sprigs invading the territory, then bwa-ha-ha! No more die, I mean dye. Looking forward to reading more. Cheers —

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahaha…thanks for the great comment J.B. You’re hair color journey sounds very much like mine…though I admit I fell off the wagon during a weak moment and am now regretting the skunk stripe down the center of my head!! But, stripe or no, I’m letting it grow out again…I actually felt more powerful WITH the gray. So yes….No. More. Die. lol

      Liked by 1 person

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