As Promised…The Opening Line

Once upon a time, long ago and far far away, in the beginning of a dark and stormy night, it was love at first sight…then shit REALLY got interesting!

(Okay…as first lines go, a bit tamer than I was feeling when I wrote “Pulling out the 50th Shade…”, but it works all the same)


Here’s a tease

…let’s go to the movies!

“My Left Foot”
Gets an Oscar
My Right Ankle
Gets the shaft?
(Lights that Weep?)
Weapon of Mass De-SUCTION?
Ok…not a movie, but really?
From Hole to Eternity?
Mercury Rising?
Mercury Rising?
I mean, PHEW, thank goodness it was NOT one of those dangerous and banned
incandescent bulbs!

Does the show go on?


Do you want to hear it?

Hope so…if for no other reason than you being able to laugh AT me if not WITH me…

Stay tuned…

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Hi everyone! Welcome to 50 Shades of Gray Hair. 50 Shades is my blog of life over the hill, where each day is full of delicious opportunities to earn another gray hair. I stopped declaring war on the gray when I began this blog years ago. Instead, I embrace and celebrate them along with whatever life decides to throw my way, with (sarcasm forward) humor and an optimistic eye to the future. I think. I hope? I don't know. At any's real, it's honest, it's full of 4 letter words, and it's me...on a platter. I sincerely welcome you all to my porch....♥♥Rhonda

15 thoughts on “As Promised…The Opening Line”

  1. Now that is an opening line, followed by a long string of blockbusters… wait, what the heck was all that? Do I need to strap on my handyman’s belt and come down? Will you have hobbled out to the local liquor store to supply me with beer a la Canadian to feed me as I toil? And should I, could I, bring the monkey?

    More! Please more!


    1. OMG…mon dieu!!! Why oh why did I not think to call you??? I could most definitely use a strapped handy man and to think you’d even bring the monkey? I may swoon! BUT…tell him please, there will be NO SHIT flinging here…I’ve had enough! Other than that, consider the fridge full of beer (?really?) a la Canadoo and I’ll feed you all day long! you can even leave your long johns home…it’s kinda toasty here, relatively speaking.


      1. I have relayed that comment to the monkey, and he appears to be displeased. He is currently rubbing his testicles into a frenzy… I’m not sure what that’s all about. I may have to leave him here and access the fridge full of beer, but as for the long johns, after the cold snaps we’ve had, they’re not coming off till April!


        1. Hmmm, rubbing the testicles? Into a frenzy? I’m thinking he’s imagining what he could do with those ass boil laden magots. Anyhoo…if he can’t pocket his poo slinger, then he stays in the frozen north! And good call on the woolies…you may just need them. YAY…Canada to the rescue!!


  2. Sheeet that didn’t take long .. here I was preparing for another long wait for your next post and it’s already here… shit the leg doesn’t look good, no I worded that wrong, the leg looks good but the strapping does not… what are you now “50 hops of pain”… love this blog, and missed it while you were away… …


    1. Laughing…thanks so much for saying so my friend. I’ve missed you all too. I’ve hated not having the mental energy to keep in touch with everyone…figured I better strike while the keys are hot! The next one is perking right now, so I hope the wait won’t be long, and worth it of course. 🙂


    1. bumps, bruises, breaks, strains, floods…just another day in the life. lol. it’s all going to work way or another, it’s going to be fine. 🙂


Nice-n-Easy...but tell it like it is